Cielito Lindo Shelties es un pequeño criadero que comenzó en 2014 con la firme convicción de producir ejemplares de calidad y belleza. Estamos situados en Miami, Florida,
rodeados de una hermosa y exhuberante naturaleza. Nuestros perros Pastor de Shetland se crian en nuestro hogar, con cuidados y atención pesonalizada, donde crecen viven felices y saludables.
Cielito Lindo Shelties is a home hobby breeder of Shetland Sheepdogs or "shelties". We started in 2014, with a strong
conviction in produce healthy, high quality and beautiful dogs.
We are located in Miami, surrounded by beautiful and exotic nature.
Our Shetland Sheepdogs are raised in our home, where they live happily,
and grow-up healthy in a family atmosphere.

“In my search for a dog that is a perfect family company and a good competitor on the conformation dog shows. I became the owner and handler of a Shetland Sheepdog.
Living with this breed, I have discovered what a joy they are. They are great companion dogs as well as strong competitors in breed shows, agility and obedience”...
“En mi búsqueda de un perro que sea una
perfecta compañía en la familia y un buen
competidor en las pistas de conformación, me llevó a ser propietaria y manejadora del
Pastor de Shetland.
Después de convivir con esta raza, he logrado disfrutar de un gran perro de compañía y un elegante y ágil competidor en las pistas”......
"Cielito lindo" (Lovely Sweet One) is a popular Mexican song, commonly played by mariachi bands.
Cielito, the diminutive of the word cielo can be translated as sweetie; lindo means cute, lovely or pretty.
Our Name
Our Image
Cielito Lindo Logo
We are proud of our culture and heritage. Our origins and our
first Sheltie are Mexicans. To embrace this, our logo is based on the Mexican Amate handcrafts. Amate paper is one of the most traditional Mexican indigenous handcrafts. Amate has been manufactured in Mexico since Prehispanic times.
Its distinctive design was used for communication and ritual purposes. After the Spanish conquest, the production was
almost lost, but tradition never died. Nowadays its produced for commercial purposes. Cielito Lindo Shelties celebrates its Mexican heritage with the design based on Amate.

Our home

Shetland sheepdog; Our experience with this breed
Pastor de Shetland; Nuestra experiencia con esta raz
Articulo para la revista "Perros Pura Sangre", México, Julio 2015
Para las personas que buscan la mascota ideal para su hogar, el Sheltie como se le conoce también, se destaca por ser un perro hermoso, es imposible que pase inadvertido. Estos perros tienen buen carácter, son leales, afectuosos y atentos. Se sienten apegados a sus dueños, a los que obedecen encantados, pero al mismo tiempo es un perro con carácter que sabe lo que quiere.
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